Thursday, June 18, 2009


It has been a long time since I have updated my blog. I will be 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I have an induction scheduled for tomorrow. I am so excited to be finished with this whole pregnant thing. I have been dilated to 3.5 and 90 percent effaced for 5 weeks. I guess I had my hopes up that I would deliver early. I will post pics of the baby when he arrives tomorrow.

These are my cute friends from hygiene school. They drove as far as Ogden to come to my shower. Thanks guys! It was fun to see you!

This is a picutre of the quilt that my mother-in-law worked so hard on for me! I love it!

This is a picture of me and my sister

This is a picutre of me and my best friend Ashlee. She is five weeks behind me...but she delivered her cute baby today five weeks early! Congrats Ashlee and Blake.


Aimee said...

You look so good Lindsey! Congrats! I'm super excited for you! :)
Can't wait to see the baby!

Tatiana said...

Yeah! Time has flown! I didn't realize you were so far along! Good luck. I'll be thinking of you.

Michelle said...

Lindsey, you look so good! You are tiny!

Mike,Shar,Ryan,Rex said...

You are the cutest pregnant person I have ever seen!! Congrats on the baby, I just got your text today and I can't wait to see pictures of him. I need to get your gift to you, I will call Callie and see if she is at work next time I'm up that way!