Saturday, January 26, 2008

TGIT (Thursday)

I think that this has been one of the worst weeks that I have suffered at work and I am not sure why! I have had a lot of cancellations and that is very frustrating. I have been coming home kind of negative so I thought I better get positive so I am going to list my top 10things that I love about my job:

1. Beautiful office (My room has the best view! It looks over a driving range at a golf course)
2. Latest and greatest technology (Cerec, diagnodent, etc..)
3. My doctor just bought me all new Everedge instruments and new ultra sonic tips
4. Great pay
5. The BEST dental care EVER
6. I give all of the injections
7. My doctor doesn't just fix teeth he is very concerned about periodontal disease
8. The thought that "Hygiene is the backbone of the dental practice!"
9. Great location
10. Great patients



Melissa said...

You are so lucky to have such a great office work with such a great Dr. I think that is the hardest thing to find! And they are luck to have YOU! I am sure next week will be better for you!

Kami said...

Hey, nice post. I think it will be fun for you to read that post if you ever change offices and have to work like the rest of us in a less than ideal environment. Then you would laugh and say, wow, I really did have it good.

How are you lady? Was your anniversary trip fantastic? You must contact me again. I love to hear how things are going.